EYOUman Rights

Erasmus+: KA1 - Mobility of Youth Workers - Programme Countries

Place: United Kingdom

Dates: 08/02/2016 - 16/02/2016

Being an EU citizen entitles us to many basic human rights and this forms part of the greatest unity within the EU, upholding these human rights in each member country. This training course will explore these human rights with emphasis on how they are perceived by youth and how we can explore more ways to make sure that our youth understand these rights, fight for them and make sure they are upheld in our communities and in the EU.

The fact that we will still have discrimination, gender inequality and abuse of these human rights in the EU is reason enough to create greater awareness of these rights, especially to young people who might not know these rights or are subject to inequalities in their communities.

This training course will evaluate human rights from the perspective of youth and develop methodologies to be implemented in the partner communities to allow for young people to become more aware of their rights and to understand them better. We will specifically look at issues discrimination, gender equality and equality in the workplace. These are the issues we find show the greatest floors with regard to the implementation of these rights.

By focusing on areas we know show inequalities in many communities and also learning of new areas where human rights are neglected we can work together to expose these inequalities and also develop methods to overcome these problems with cooperation and understanding. We will examine human behaviour in different environments, even our own behaviours that could cause discrimination, stereotypes and xenophobia. We will analyse the reasons for these behaviours and develop methods to help more people identify them and remedy them.

We will give young people the tools to understand their human rights, the knowledge to evaluate their own behaviours and allow for people to be more tolerant of each other and to expect and respect the human rights of people in the EU and the world.



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1. E-Youth Magazine

2. What Do YouTHink

3. Your Values Abroad



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission (Erasmus + Programme).

This publication article reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.