EU with YOU

Erasmus+: KA1 Mobility of Youth Workers (Training Course) 

Place: London

Dates: 01/08/2015 - 09/08/2015

Looking at current events in the EU and especially issues like Scotland becoming independent, the UK considering leaving the EU, the economic crisis in the EU and other factors that influence our daily lives, our training course will look at how these impact youth in the EU. We will see how these important issues impact the EU and its stability and our standing as EU Citizens. An important factor with regard to the UK and the possibility that it might leave the EU will be discussed in details and especially the impact something like this will have on the EU. Looking at these problems allows us to understand the fundamental principles of the EU and how youth are affected by these outcomes and how young people can influence these outcomes or changes in the EU.

The objective of the training course is to give youth workers and staff the tools to develop activities and workshops in their communities for young people to better understand the EU, their role in the EU and to become more active citizens. Giving them the tools to help young people plan a more active role in their society and in the EU, to support their beliefs, uphold their principles and their cultures in a unified EU that respects our individuality.

Young people believe that they are insignificant in the EU and that they play no role in policy reform or any change. This has become more apparent with the degree of difficulty seen when trying to approach policy makers and stakeholders. The system is almost designed to exclude the input of youth.

This training course will give youth workers the tools to develop methodologies to help young people to be more active in the fields of youth policy, to understand how events in the EU affect their lives and how to make the changes that our policies need on a local and European level. The project will teach how we can access information and EU laws and how these laws are created. We will see how youth can be more active in policy reform.

The training course will outline the principals of democracy and evaluate the democratic standing of EU countries and the EU as a union. Elaborating on the impact smaller countries can have on EU policy and the impact and changes that the EU implements in smaller EU member countries and the effect of this on youth.



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1.  EU Review

2.  EUnified

3.  EUniverse

4.  ImpACT

5.  YOUth TIME

6.  Angels and Deamons

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission (Erasmus + Programme).

This publication article reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.